Open Class


Lois Morris
Where:   Centennial  Hall, Beaconsfield

Price:  $150.00 Members  or $185 for Non-Members

Class:  6 Weeks :  Anything you want to do Primitive, Contemporary, Stained Glass, Pictorial,  Fifi (find it, finish it)  Any cut, Any material..
We will discuss color and how it works.  Also, how to use the fabrics you have to achieve the color scheme and look that you want.

Date :  Mondays   10:00 am  - 2 :00 pm;  February:   22/16 – April  4/16

Register:    Monday,  February 8th, 15th or 22nd.
Register intent to attend by Monday, February 15th at e-mail or telephone number below.

Teacher:   Lois Morris: e-mail:  or

Phone:   450 – 834 – 6912

Student will bring to class:
A pattern or a design of your own.  Keep in mind copyright regulations if there’s a pattern you want to reproduce.
Putting your pattern on in class:
Know the size of the piece you wish to do i.e.  10” x 18”,  or 24” x 34” .  If you have foundation and red dot bring it with you.  If you require materials, please let Lois know in advance.
If bringing a design you have found. i.e.  coloring book, wall paper, gift wrap etc. and you are not sure of the size, bring a few photo copies, of different sizes to work with.
Sharpie Laundry Marker:   Available at JC or Bureau en Gros.

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