June Picnic

BHCG 2015 Picnic_

By Sally Perodeau

BHCG 2015 Picnic

June 6th was a lovely sunny day which allowed us to celebrate our annual picnic outside and to enjoy the beautiful vista of the lake. The Executive and their helpers excelled themselves, making it a day to remember. Besides having tempting goodies to eat, we were given a gift bag that included a clever pin cushion made from soda bottle caps that fitted on our finger. The very talented Claire had organized a workshop to make them.

Two vendors were on hand to tempt us with their wares. Linda from Silk Divine with her magnificent array of silks and our own Judith Dallegret who brought a wonderful selection of hand dyed woollens.

This year's auction was conducted once again by the ever delightful Louise.  Her helper, Jacques, who can't resist offering his aid, livened things up with a few jigs to encourage us to bid on the plaids being offered.  His antics were a lot of fun and made us laugh.

We are forever grateful to the city of Beaconsfield for allowing us to use their facilities and to our 25 guests for coming from far and wide to help us celebrate. We missed a few faces but hope you will join us the next time we get together. We are hoping to see you all again on September 26 and 27 as we celebrate our 40th Anniversary.

Thanks to everyone who made it such a great day!

We took a lot of pictures!
Follow the link to see the Photo Album: BHCG 2015 Picnic

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