
Showing posts from January, 2015

We're on Facebook!

BHCG Facebook Page As part of our 40th Anniversary Celebration Activities, we have launched a Page on Facebook! Follow us at this link:  Beaconsfield-Hooking-Crafters-Guild

Scrappy Rugs

Design by Kaffe Fassett and Hooked by Lisa Finken* Primitive Scrappy Rug Class With Judith Dallegret Hook a Floor Rug any size using Wide Cut - #8 to #10 wool strip Beginners welcome When: 4 classes: Mondays at Centennial Hall Feb 9 & 23 – March 9 & 16 With a make-up class 23 March for anyone who misses a day. Course Content: Keynote Presentation on Inspiration with Photos & Books Choose a pattern design in a Primitive style (draw your own or bought pattern) Set up Foundation to start Hooking Colour Planning Basic Theory with Exercises Dyeing - without powdered dyes Borders - with Keynote Presentation Learn Finishing Techniques Cost: 100$ Note: Judith is very flexible regarding the course content. Please contact Ti if you would like to sign up, at If you have a friend or know someone who would like to learn rug hooking this would be the perfect start to getting hooked! Please spread the...

40th Anniversary Logo

Logo    40th Anniversary Logo, by Maria Romero This logo was created by our Webmaster Maria Romero to mark the 40th anniversary of the Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters Guild. The hook featured in the logo is taken from our website banner. The curved lines represent both the passage of time as well as the strips of textiles used in rug hooking. The lines can also be seen as confettis and represent the celebration of the 40 years of the Guild. A palette of reds was chosen to express the dynamic aspect of the Guild and the passion of its members towards rug hooking.

In Lois Words

Founder's Message    By Lois J. Morris    I have drawn and painted for as long as I can remember. In Toronto, I took adult education courses in Traditional Rug Hooking and became” hooked.”   By the late sixties I was teaching in my house.  We were transferred to Montreal in 1973, my neighbor was interested in what I was doing.  She gathered a few friends together, I taught them and then approached Beaconsfield City to see if they might offer a beginners course in Rug Hooking. They were willing to try one and before long I was teaching five classes a week. The need to get together, and share and inspire one another was evident, but we were too  many to meet in any one house.  In 1975 the City graciously offered us Centennial hall, and the Guild was born. Now, 40 years later, The Beaconsfield Rug Hooking Crafters Guild of more than 40 members still meets at Centennial Hall to continue their work, which now extends to the ...

BHCG 40th Anniversary

Free texture by Rin-Shiba - Devianart The Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters Guild celebrates its 40th Anniversary In 1975 Lois Morris founded the “Lakeshore Woolgatherers Hooking Craft Guild”, subsequently renamed “Beaconsfield Hooking Crafters Guild” and thus began 40 years of rug hooking adventures that continue today.  Founding and early members, under Lois’ expert guidance, learned to hook and to this day, strive to not only expand their own creative talents but to share their experience with new members as well.  From McGown and Moshimer inspirations, to crewel and sculpted pieces, to designing original artwork, to proddy and scrappy and 3 dimensional, from #2 cut to #10,  BHCG members are ever evolving and attempting new skills. The guild has met throughout its existence at Centennial Hall on the lovely shores of Lac-St.-Louis with the generous support of the City of Beaconsfield and its helpful staff.   The current executive is made u...

Thank you, Rose

Merci Rose. Photoshop Illustration by Maria Romero The Executive and Members of  BHCG showed their appreciation at our January Monthly Meeting to Rose Kandy after the announcement that Rose had stepped down from her position as Web Editor/Translator.  Rose has been the backbone in supporting Maria Romero, our Webmaster, coordinating features on the Website and translating articles into French for the last 5 years. The Website has gone from strength to strength and in 2014 was visited by 96 countries around the world - this data supports the amazing achievement of a truly fabulous Website with interesting articles, coordinated by Rose during her tenure.  We wish Rose all the happiness for the future and look forward to seeing more rugs on show with the extra time on her hands. Respectfully submitted by Ti Seymour Keywords:  Thanks / Farewell,

Craft Year 2015

2015 has been declared Craft Year by the Canadian Crafts Federation. Craft Year 2015 / Année-des-Métiers-d'art 2015 is Canada's largest year-long, nationwide festival aimed at promoting craft as a key player in Canadian Culture. Website: You can follow the festival at  Canadian Crafts Federation/Fédération canadienne des métiers d’art  and  @CraftYear2015  on Twitter.

Lois Morris / In The News

Rug Hooking Magazine, vol. XXVI – Number 4, January-February 2015 . By Rose Kandy Congratulations to Lois Morris, founder of the Guild, whose work appears in two articles in the January-February 2015 edition of  Rug Hooking Magazine. In the article entitled From Doodle to Adaptation by Tamara Pavich, under Repeating Patterns, page 62, you will find "Celestial Spirits". Then in Readers' Gallery beginning page 70 in the same magazine, you will find nine pages devoted to the artistry and teachings of Lois Morris, entitled Dream, Design, Dye, and Do, also written by Mrs. Pavich. Follow the link to read an abstract of the article, at:   We would invite all members to read these articles, as well as the previous ones published in the September-October and the November-December 2014 edition of Rug Hooking Magazine. We would like to remind our members that our other teacher, Judith Dallegre...

Show and Tell / January - March 2015

All these rugs are original designs by Jacques Lepage Fish Underwater   I wanted to work with very wide cuts of wool and play with colours.  I hooked this carpet on linen using recycled wool and I whipped the border. Instead of cutting the strips I tore them (in the old way) ) into widths equivalent to no.10.  The mat is 11 in. high x 26-3/4 in. wide. This is an original design. Fish Underwater - Jacques Lepage The Beaver This rug, an original design, measures 18 in, high x 30-1/2" wide. I hooked it on linen using recycled wools cut in #8. The border is whipped. This rug was inspired by the nickel in my pocket when I was young. I love plaids and I always wanted to use one in a rug. (The Canadian nickel or 5 cents depicts a beaver on the reverse side.) Beaver - Jacques Lepage The Monks   This original memory rug represents a visit to St-Benoit-du-Lac Abbey in Magog, Quebec. The rug measures 15-3/4 in. x 16 in,; I hooked it on rug...