Pointe-Claire Horticultural Society

Presentation to the Pointe-Claire Horticultural Society   

By Linda Henderson   

In response to a gracious invitation from the Pointe-Claire Horticultural Society (PCHS), five members of BHCG attended a meeting on May 21, 2014 at the Church of the Resurrection in Pointe-Claire, QC to introduce their group to the craft of rug hooking. A wonderful array of guild rugs was displayed and an enthusiastic group of horticulturalists learned about the history of the guild and of rug hooking, about our teachers, meetings, activities, etc. The PCHS members were very interested and asked lots of questions. One member has signed up for introductory lessons. Following our presentation we were invited to watch Irene Perstinger’s mini workshop on making garden trellises from tree branches. She made it look very easy and her resulting trellises were wonderful. We were surrounded by beautiful flowers and very much enjoyed being with such a warmly welcoming and accommodating group. Let us hope that exchanges such as these between local groups can continue into the future.

Presentation to the Pointe-Claire Horticultural Society

Follow the link to see th Photo Album: PCHS 

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