Transparency, Reflections and Absorption

Course: Transparency, Reflections and Absorption

Place:    Centennial Hall, Beaconsfield, QC

Day and Time: Over 5 Mondays from January 21 to February 25, 2013 (no class Feb. 4th – Guild meeting day)

Cost: $100 – Registration: December 17, 2012 latest

Teacher: Lois Morris
tel. 450-834-6912
or e-mail:

This is an open class in Transparency, Reflections and Absorption. Students will do a piece of their own choice. It must contain Transparency (which presents well alone in a contemporary type of work) or do a piece showing all three. Check out pictures of Still Life, scenes with water, etc., or pictures with bottles or glassware that you may like to copy.

I will have a few pictures of Transparency alone, which works well for a beginner. Those willing to bite the bullet and stretch their minds will enjoy incorporating all three in their work.

You will dye your own colours, where necessary, over white, natural or any material you have that you can use. You will have to dye because transparency demands it.

If you have any questions, get in touch with me.

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