Show & Tell / October - December 2012

This is a selection of rugs from our September 2010 retrospective exhibition, held at Centennial Hall, to celebrate the Guild’s 35th anniversary.

Maple Leaves
Designed and Hooked by Claire Fradette

Maple Leaves by Claire Fradette

This rug is my own design. While taking walks around Beaconsfield, I picked up leaves and then traced them on burlap.
I dyed the wool for the leaves and the background is recycled wool. The cut is #6.

Hooked by Maria Romero

by Maria Romero

A photo [1] of the Uzon Caldera in Russia inspired the design for this rug. The composition of the picture and the beauty and colours of the caldera in Autumn impressed me.

These volcanoes are situated in the Kamchatka Peninsula on the Pacific Coast of Russia and are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The rug, which measures 20 in. x 29 in., is hooked on a linen foundation with no. 3 and no. 6 cut wool.

[1] Photographer Christian Gluckman © Caldeira d’Uzon – Kamchatka Peninsula, Autumn 2003 – 

Kay Cousineau
Hooked by Kay Cousineau

Log Cabin by Kay Cousineau

For this Log Cabin rug I used a template to trace the individual larger square and then each smaller square within it.
I used mostly leftover wool from previous projects and also overdyed wools and even old sweaters which also had been overdyed. It was a fun and easy rug to hook.

Chair Pad - Brenda Ticehrust
Hooked by Brenda Ticehurst

Little Chair Pad
by Brenda Ticehurst

I hooked this little chair pad in a Geometric Class with Judith Dallegret. It was for a little rocking chair we have in the country. The wool was scraps in nos. 4 and 6 cut, mostly from recycled coats.

Polar Bear - Maureen Rowe

A Jane McGown Flynn pattern Hooked By Maureen Rowe

Polar Bear Grenfell Style by Maureen Rowe

This is a Grenfell Mission style mural hooked with dyed nylons, all except for the bear which is wool that has been sculptured. It was one of my first rug hooking attempts and it set me on the path to my love of the craft. I still love hooking skies, water and snow.

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