First Meeting

Launch of 2012-2013 Season   

On Monday, September 10, 2012, the Guild began regular activities by greeting new members and holding its monthly business meeting. This was followed by a hook-in.
For the monthly hook-in on Saturday, September 15th,  members were invited  to begin the day by visiting our bi-annual exhibition at the Beaconsfield Library. Upon returning to Centennial Hall around 11:30, hookers and their guests were treated to a very interesting talk given by Lin Watson on the History of Hooked Rugs in Quebec. In the afternoon, after Show & Tell, a draw for a door prize took place. As usual, Carolyn Ells was the lucky winner.

September 10th - First Hook-In 2012-2013

September 15th -- Lecture by Lin Watson

Follow the link to see the Photo Album: September 2012 Kick-off

Keywords: Lecture / Conference

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