
Showing posts from October, 2024

BHCG 2024 Exhibition

“More than Just Rugs” exhibition October 1, 2024 From left to right:  Laura, Marie-Annick, Emmy, Chris, Leslie, Gaétan. We invite you to visit the Discovery Room of the Beaconsfield Library to enjoy our “More than Just Rugs” rug hooking exhibition from October 1st to 30th! At the entrance to the library on the right, you will be greeted by a glass cabinet showcasing several unique and delightful 3-dimensional pieces hooked by Karen and M. Once inside the Discovery Room, almost 50 more pieces hooked by 21 of our members are beautifully exhibited on the three walls and inside the two glass cabinets. With boundless imagination these artists have transformed simple fibres into captivating works of art. Many thanks to all who contributed their hooked pieces and to Marie-Annick, Gaétan, Chris, Laura, and Leslie for much time and expertise spent setting all in place. Bravo!