
Showing posts from July, 2022

St Lawrence College

Graduation Exhibition     By Ti Seymour    July 7, 2022    Dawna Matthew, Candace Fradette and myself have been undertaking courses at St Lawrence College, Brockville, Ontario to complete a Fibre Art Diploma specializing in Traditional Rug Hooking.  Sadly, this Diploma is not being offered again as our teacher Laura Boszormeny has now retired.  As part of our final class, we had to participate, circulate, and demonstrate our knowledge of our craft at an Exhibition run during the final class.  To prepare for this exhibition we had to produce a variety of rugs that showcased a variety of rug hooking styles and finishes.  We circulated a poster in the college, posted advertising on Facebook and invited our friends and family.  In total over 50 people wrote in our visitors’ book and we thank everyone who came along. Ti Seymour, Laura Boszormeny, and Dawna Matthew. Students from Laura Boszormeny’s retiring class at St Lawrence Coll...